How to Set Your Business Up to Explode Out of Covid-19

Wow!! How crazy have the last few months been? In Australia alone, we have had fires, floods and of course, the dreaded COVID-19 which is causing absolute mayhem for people’s health, anxiety, the economy and businesses. As for businesses, I hope that all your contingency and crisis plans are well and truly activated and, most […]

Workplace Safety Apps for Safety Conversations

safety conversations

As part of the management team here at RiskTalk, a key part of my job is understanding the problems our customers have, their needs and wants, and how technology (hopefully ours!) can fix the problems that pain them on a daily basis.   One such problem we hear regularly is along the lines of; “Safety conversations […]

Don’t Get Left Behind!

To make the best decisions for our businesses we need to have the best information. To get the best and most accurate information we need the best data available. I do not think we have any arguments there. If we look at the most successful businesses in the past decade (Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, etc…), […]

Let’s Chat About It

chat about it

Most of us, sometimes frustratingly, have multiple meetings every day. Why?  Because for the most part, face to face conversations are the best way of communicating the facts, our opinion on those facts and creating action from it.  Now, what if I told you that instead of having those conversations in the meeting you need […]

Safety Is Too Sticky

safety is to sticky

In life, almost all living things desire efficiency. Trees lose their leaves and bears hibernate in winter to conserve energy. Hunting animals stay camouflaged to stalk their prey, ants have well-defined roles to create efficiencies according to size and strength, and people build vehicles and roads to get places they need to.  Oddly, many of […]